
Our residents enjoy recreational boating and idle speed boating. Boaters must follow all Indiana boating laws. Safety first.

Boating Guidelines at Lake Latonka

  • All boats follow a counter clock wise direction around the lake
  • Speed limit is 35 MPH
  • Recreational Hours 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST
  • Resident owned boats only on the lake, with appropriate LLPOA stickers

Boating Map:

lake latona boating map image

Surf Map:

lake latona surf map image

Things to Enjoy at Lake Latonka


Lake Latonka is a recreational lake with restricted hours


Our residents enjoy fishing, catching various types of fish.

Private Community

Marshall County's only private lake community.

Beach Area

Our beach area is great for families and friends.

Community Events

Lake Latonka offers a handful of events thru the year.

Midwest Lake Living

Enjoy the 4 seasons on a quiet, private lake.